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Co-CreateLaurie Story V Living Spiritual LiteracyCo-Create
Spiritual Literacy: Transformational Thoughts & Tools To Free Your Spirit
DSpiritual Literacy Blog/Vlog:
Welcome to this evolving blog space. Archives are accessed here:
* January Dreaming 24 * February Divine Valentine *
October Mystery/November ThanksLiving September Song * August Promise * June 23 *
April Awareness Through Mother May Eyes
* March 23 * February 23 * January 23 *

BBBlog Location Information:
Our archives from 2011-2021 are at Wordpress where we are resuming posts similar or shorter than here. Sign up there to be notified when blogs post via email and to make comments there! Join the transformation conversation!

Honoring Life & Death

2 years ago today we layed dad to rest in the local cemetery with a military gun salute per his wishes. 3 years ago today I found uncle Bill unconscious, had to call the fire department, break into the house, and get him to the hospital. i stayed with him there through the night and he transitioned the next morning. This April Fool's Day I honor them with lotsa tearful emotion at the cemetary:
I just needed to honor this anniversary with all of it's raw emotions. In the circle of time, it is an ongoing dance with birth and death, yes and no, slow and go. Here is a glimpse of the handwritten newspaper of my father's childhood I refer to:

I honor my dad, all my ancestors, all my relations. I also honor the death cycle for so many other aspects of my journey. It is time to lay so many things to rest so that I may birth anew. This includes a few long standing features here on the website. I am facing facts of zero engagement. It is time for me to live and give anew. I will return here to this quiet blog spot, in this birthing process. And I am trusting the gifts I have given matter on some level in the co-creation of life's evolution. I offer you deep gratitude if you find your way to these words and piece of my heart; thank you, thank you. Namaste, Love!

Spring Things Alive & Bright ~ Reverent Remembrances!

Namaste Meditative Minds & Brave Hearts ~
Glad Greetings this Mindful Monday!
We are celebrating Spring ~ Equinox 3/19, Easter 3/31,
Palm Sunday hailing Holy Week and dad's 2 year departure date anniversary, 3/24.
Whew! No wonder this took me more than a minute :)
It's here and NOW so let's hop to it! Thank you, thank you for joining me!
Let's be wHOLY centered in this celebration circle of Life!

Namaste Circle of Life Alive & Bright!
Let's begin where I last left off;
Valentine Vlog 2/14 & the now i see started, never published, forgotten 2/29 post :)
On this 2 year anniversary date of my dear 'ol dad's departure, I am SO reminded to keep finishing what i start and to commit and re-commit to all I choose to do as me, Laurie Story V. May my life be an incarnation celebration for the Love that created me, expressing as me ~ may my humaness be Love blessed, yes expressed!
Love Letter #28
From February's Love letters found here:

And so it is that the Circle of Life and Love bring us to this moment;
the top of Holy Week, Spring/Autumn, Birth/Death, Seeds, Gold, Rainbows, Bunnies, oh my! Let's Play & Pray in this 3/24/24 reverent & playful Vlog:

This vlog is a voluminous 24 minutes on the 24th day and year. So! If you just need a blessedly brief spring salutation invitation, got you clovered, click this one!:

The egg altar in the video above joins many other spring invitations here. My home has been enJOYing some Spirit Rising UPliftment this month including a visit from Mr. and Mrs Clover who came to visit on Equinox! Their video is linking this week with more Om Home invitations on our Leaping Literacy Library Spring page.

Spring Om Home Invitations

There are SO many Spring invitations hopping about here at home and in the Leaping Literacy Library. Our daily Play & Pray video calendar, Planting Seeds has us planting Love, Hope, Joy, Surrender ... oohh, let's DO today's Reverence:

There are SO many ways to be reverent for this gift of life. Always centered in awareness and nurtured with gratitude, reverence provides us a good compass for our heart and soul. As I discuss in the vlog, our inner GPS< Grace Positioning System, is always a wise whisper away to bring us back to the center essence of our egg, ourselves embodied as that Love blessed, yes expressed.

Rabbit is center stage this week with lots of celebrations @ and here with other spotlighted spring things on our New Thought Families Mindful Multimedia page including the Spring Celebration Om HomETV show.
Spring Om Invitation
If you shared the 24/24/24 vlog with me, yippee skippee! If you want to hear some of those songs, yippee skippee x3! Ostara, Daddy's Song, and Pot of Gold are below! From the bottom of my egg to yours, thank you for singing along in the musical rainbow of my heart & soul song!
Egg InvitationEgg InvitationEgg InvitationEgg Invitation
And! Before we go, let us send 1 breath of peaceful love into the world ~ aho! Egg Invitation
Sent with the breath of this month's full moon!
(In this time zone, 3/25, 3:00 a.m.)
Full Moon
Picture taken 3/24, 9:00 p.m.

Wherever you are, this holy moment in the Circle, I wish you Joyful Peace & Passionate Purpose that you are able to experience with reverence & express with happiness. Yippee Skippee! We truly be Love blessed, yes expressed!
Namaste, Love!

Pot of Gold
©2023 Laurie Story V
Follow the rainbow that lives in your soul!
All the life you’ve lived, every story you’ve told
lives in your heart, in your own pot of gold!

If you’re ever filled with nagging doubt
that says what’s it for, what’s my life about
Turn within, hold yourself dear
Trust the Love that brought you here!
If you ever feel you’re all alone
Remember the good times you have known
Think of the seeds you have sown
See how the seed of you has grown
If you ever feel poor like there’s not enough
Give great gratitude for all of your stuff
then let it all go, let your spirit take flight
Break thru the bars of black and white
See infinite colorful ways to be!
You are the gold, you are free!
Chorus ~ You are your own pot of gold!

Positivity * Possibility * Potentiality * Passion * Proclamation
Exploration * Connection * Communication * Compassion * Creation * Expression
In spiritual support of
you and your family!

New Thought Families